We are reborn long before we see the earthly transformation. Just as a child remains hidden for 9 months after it is conceived, so our new selves remain hidden even after we are re-formed. It may be a minute, a month (Advent) or a lifetime, but we are assured that we are new creatures, even if it appears that we wear the old skin. We must pray, trust, & believe.
The truth is, we are born again & again & again in a never-ending series of miracles. We do not have merely one moment of rebirth at a specific time & place, as some mistakenly believe. No, it is a lifelong birthing experience as more and more of our true self is revealed. We must be reborn, yes. But we are mistaken if we think it is limited to our temporal plane. No, it lasts our entire lives and beyond, as we are changed from glory into glory.
In this holiday season, we are reminded to Believe. I believe. Blessed Diety, I believe. I pray that I be granted further miracles of birth, as more of my true self unfolds.
Cherie: More of theses postings Please. Thank You. T=Mak ###