Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Madness of Mercy

We who have no hope must yet hope. We who have tasted death must look through it to life. We must journey & believe that we will arrive, though we suspect we cannot.

We must wear our inside on the outside, & believe that we can internalize that which is external, believe that we can transform it through our spiritual bowels into hope.

What madness is this?

It is the madness of mercy. It is God's mercy, which transforms all things into glory through love, mixing & blending all - good, evil, up, down, right, wrong - into a mad swirl Beyond our senses. We Name the swirl Nirvana, Heaven, Paradise - unknowable & yet deeply known.


  1. Not sure what god you're referring to, but it's not God the holy creator of the heavens and earth. To say that God swirls evil or wrong into His heaven as though He is ok with it is complete deception. 1 John says that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. We as Christians receive God's grace and mercy, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, knowing that by our faith in Him we are being perfected in His holy and perfect image.

  2. But if God created everything, (and I believe She did) then evil & sin can only be a perversion of good. In the end, I think we agree that God wins, which means He redeems it all. It's not about deception, it's about the power of God to redeem.
